Belinda Winkelmann Dance is Transformation



Dance and Medicinal Plants in the Annual Cycle

Public Workshops in Malvaux – Center for Ecosomatic Research in the Forest, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland

inner WILD


Ecosomatic Research



The Presence of the Butterflies

Like a caterpillar that dissolves its entire being during metamorphosis to become a butterfly, dancer Raúl Martínez (El Salvador) embodies a transformation that affects us all in his solo "The Presence of the Butterflies". It is about the light and shadow of the past, the fleetingness of our present and a living future. 
"The Presence of the Butterflies" is a dance journey through the artist's biography, linked to aspects of Latin American history. A memory of the indigenous ancestors who lived in harmony with nature. But also a reminder of the conquests and colonialism. The dance solo is about the anger towards the exploitation of this continent, the potential of forgiveness and tells of a vision of the coexistence of life. It is a journey that hosts many people, tells many stories and dreams many dreams.


Premiere: Fri 01 Dec | 8:00 pm
Further performances: Sat 02.12 | 20:00, Sun 03.12 | 19:00
E-Werk Freiburg, Saal


Communal cinema

Apapachar & The Presence of the Butterflies

at the Kommunales Kino Freiburg

Freiburg Window I Double Feature Dance


Link to the Kommunales Kino

Research The Presence of the Butterflies

“There are peoples who have an understanding that our bodies are related to all that is life and that the cycles of the earth are also those of our own bodies. We observe the earth, the sky and feel that we are not detached from other beings. … It's about memory, a cultural heritage from the time when our ancestors were at one with the rhythm of nature... Everyday life was an extension of the dream. … We must produce other bodies, other feelings, dream other dreams in order to be accepted and dwell in this world.”
Ailton Krenak, Ideas to Postpone the End of the World


«The Presence of the Butterflies» is an artistic examination of the biography of the dancer Raul Martínez with choreographic accompaniment by Belinda Winkelmann.

This dance research is a journey through Raul's biography as well as through the history of Latin America, Africa, the conquests, and the colonies; a journey of the ancestors who sowed, reaped, danced and enjoyed life. A journey of liberation and forgiveness for those who wanted to steal, exploit and destroy the Latin American continent. It's a journey back to where we all belong, a return to dancing with butterflies, to the coexistence of life. It is a journey that hosts many people, many stories, many dreams, many visions and a future for all living beings.

Based on this research, we, Belinda Winkelmann and Raul Martínez, are planning a dance production for 2023.

red moon

red moon


The dance film «Apapachar» is the result of the disDANCING research project:
The longing for connection leads to an inner journey. Hearts widen to listen to the depth of existence. On the ground of being there are memories, dreams and visions. The freedom to indulge in life. How does it feel to love? How do I dream the future? How do I meet the fire of life? Through immersion in the moment and total acceptance of diversity, the experience of «Apapachar»*, an embrace of the soul, becomes a transcendent experience.
The mixedable dance production by e.V. opens the view for touch and tenderness, for hugs and humanity. Authentic, honest and transformative.

*The Spanish word "Apapachar" has its roots in the indigenous language "Nahuatl" and means embrace of the soul or caress the soul.pachar

Resumption of Temporary Illusions


“disDANCING” is an inclusive dance project by e.V. It looks for points of contact between dancers and the viewers during a time of social distancing. Under the choreographic direction of Belinda Winkelmann, two dancers with Down Syndrome and two professional dancers create in an interdisciplinary dialogue with the film-maker Marc Doradzillo, a dance movie that wants to touch.

Neuroscience research shows how essential physical touch is for a person’s physical and psychological well-being. But (how) can people be touched in a different WAY if the external conditions do not physically allow it? We will deal with this question in the context of this project.

With “disDANCING” e.V. dares to try to enable closeness despite distance and touchability through dance expression.

Film Premiere
February 27, 2022
E-Werk Freiburg, Saal